Pick-your-own flowers on the Central Coast
Flower picking is closed for the season. We’ve had a weird summer of bugs and strange weather patterns, and have made the call to let the plants put energy into tuber production. See you all later in the year!
PYO Bookings essential via our online shop.
Sign up below to get first dibs on PYO tickets
Fill a jug with gorgeous spray-free field-grown seasonal flowers
Pricing: $30 - fill a jug
Walk the rows, cut your own blooms and fill one of our picking jugs with your choice of flowers (jug not for sale)
Bring your own snips/scissors
Kids welcome, but no pets, sorry!
No toilets - public restroom 5 minutes away
Bees about - take care!
More details/FAQs: (long but worth the read!)
Booking is essential as numbers are limited to ensure the quality and quantity of flowers for everyone.
We provide picking jugs for you to pick into - the jugs are not for sale.
One ticket = one jug to fill. You are welcome to share a jug between friends and family, or buy multiple jugs (trust us, it’s hard to share the beauty!)
Please bring your own scissors/secateurs/snips.
We grow our flowers organically - there will be bees and bugs in and around the flowers.
Wear outdoor suitable shoes - think bindis, sheep poop and mud - and bees in the clover!
Cash is gratefully accepted, but card facilities are available as well.
Our beautiful flowers take hard work - please respect our plants and animals and help your kids.
Our opening times are dependent on Mother Nature and numbers are limited - sign up to our Flower Alerts at the top of this page for opening notices (we promise not to spam you!).
We are an 80 acre working sheep farm in Dooralong on the Central Coast, about an hour North of the Hornsby M1 interchange. Depending on the season we sometimes have lambs for the kids to pet and feed.
Sorry no toilets! There is a public toilet at the Dooralong Community Hall a 5 minutes drive away. There you’ll also find a small playground and bbq facilities.
Sorry no pets! We have stud sheep, Maremma livestock guardian dogs, and working sheepdogs - we love animals, but please leave yours at home for their safety and ours.
There are amazing attractions close to us if you want to make a day of it - google Wyong Milk Factory, Treetops Adventure Park and Amazement Farm & Fun Park, to mention but a few. You may even want to head to one of the many Central Coast beaches 30 minutes from us.
Follow our Facebook Page for flower spam! What’s in bloom, flower farm news, events, dates and times, and all the challenges and joys of small-scale flower farming.